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Technology and ESL Students

        As we are wrapping up our class and blogs, I thought that this article was a great wrap up to the summer semester. The article was posted by Andrei Zakhareuski and entitled "10 Modern Ways to Use Technology in ESL Instruction." For me, I don't have too many ESL Students in my classroom but I'm always looking for new ways to use the iPads.         This article goes through 10 ways to use technology and benefits to each. The first is through film and video. Using short videos can keep the student engaged and is a great way to work on vocabulary and comprehension skills. For younger students, you could just use them as supplements to a lesson but older kids could create their own videos. Apps are another way for students to practice their English - there are many apps out there to help with grammar, vocabulary, letters, pronunciation, etc. Other ways to use technology with ESL Students could be thought Podcasts, Pen Pals, Web Quests, Blogging, and so on.

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