Technology Super Powers

When we are young, we read or watch many different stories about super heroes that are saving the world with their super powers. Everyone always enjoys the stories of a hero defeating the bad guy and saving the day. As kids, we often wish that we had super powers and as adults, we realize that is an unlikely wish but still enjoy the stories! The article that caught my attention this week was called "Could the technology of the future give us super powers?"

This article talks about the comic book characters and how we see them as enhanced versions of ourselves. The characters push the boundaries of real life by having secret tools, the power to fly, super strength, etc. It goes on to talk about how a few months ago, an inventor, Richard Browning, was able to fly at a technology conference. He designed a suit with six miniature jet engines that allows him to fly around a bit.

This inventor also works with EEG Sensors which can detect brain signals and translate them into instructions. Using these sensors, others have enabled paralyzed people to control an exoskeleton that keeps the body upright or allows them to move. The sensors have also been used to enable amputees to operate their prosthetic limbs. This technology is allowing people to transform their lives. No one could have predicted where technology would bring us.

While I think that the idea of having super powers like all the super heroes we read about or watch on TV would be pretty awesome, I don't think that is where the world is heading. Using technology to help those in need to live a better life is the super power in itself. Having someone who lost a leg be able to walk or someone who can't hear, no be able to - would be a super power in their eyes.  Who knows - maybe in the future there will be less of a gap between fiction and realty but for now, the power lies in allowing these people to transform their way of living to meet their full potential.

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  1. This is a really cool article! I didn’t hear about how Browning was able to fly at his conference. I am always excited to read and hear about the latest technologies and how they can be used to help students. I like to think these latest technologies like different online programs and assistive tech for students with disabilities bridges that gap you mentioned. I believe too that each year more and more students are getting toward their own potential.

  2. This seems like a very interesting article from your review. It is so true, it's hard to imagine the many advancements technology has brought us so far and what it has yet to do for us in the future. I am especially amazed by the countless ways technology can be used in the classroom in order to facilitate our students learning. The possibilities are endless! Thank you for sharing!


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